Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hi my name is Julia...

I am constantly eating or going to pee. Welcome to month 5.

In more exciting news I am feeling the baby kick all the time now. Adam felt him/her for the first time 2 weeks ago but within the last few days he has felt little kicks several times. In the evenings he/she is particularly active and I am relaxed enough to feel them. However, sometimes I feel him/her at work and I get completely distracted and start daydreaming of our little one.

Henrik is doing well. We switched him to Prozac but he hasn't been on it long enough to see the full effects. He is still very anxious when we come and go and cries a lot but he has been behaving well and is more relaxed when we give him affection. Usually affection gets him very hyper and anxious so we are very happy he's calming down. We are confident this medicine will work once we get the dosage correct.

Here are some recent pictures of him.

Watching daddy playing hockey

Waking up in my new bed

 Getting some love from daddy

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