Wednesday, June 13, 2012

10 weeks

Ella is becoming more and more alert and playful by the day. She is making fantastic eye contact and reacts to our sounds and kisses, she loves watching the fan in all the rooms, and even has some favorite toys. We are still waiting for that elusive laugh but I sense it coming soon.

During the day she is really easy going. She is all smilies from the moment she wakes up to bedtime (most days). Her play time right now is simple - tummy and mat time. She kicks like crazy when she is on her mat and has started to swing at the hanging toys. Tummy time is always a bit of a challenge - she enjoys it for the first 10 min. and then can get frustrated. Its hard work holding up those big cheeks! Below are some cute pictures I captured before the good mood changed.

She is sleeping most nights from 10 p.m. - 7:30 a.m with one feeding around 5 a.m Occasionally she will wake up around 3 a.m. but those nights are becoming more rare. ONCE she did 10 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. so I know she can do it. We are going to start sleep training her soon if she doesn't get back there on her own.

It has been so rewarding watching her grow.

Taking a break to look cute for the camera...

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